
   Support Planner:  Planner Basics


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Planner Basics
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See also...

Solution Focus
Data as Text






[Note: Information on this site may not exactly match your school's current version of the Planner because of on-going development]


For a slideshow based on Version 4 click here

  1. Bringing together: integrating and improving through knowledge building & sense making
    • Data  -  what is happening around here: people's activities and experiences
    • Systems  -  how our structures and processes are matched to our practices
    • Practices  -  how we do what we do here


  2. The main functions of the Planner are to help in a continuous improvement process:  M-A-P-S
    • Monitor (observe) student success and well-being and contributing factors
    • Analyse and make sense of these observations and keep a dynamic functional summary of these observations

    • Plan the support that is likely to assist in supporting students:
      • Everyday actions & arrangements
      • Other specific actions and arrangements, e.g., programs, assessments, meetings
    • Support the student(s) and those who work with them



    And at the same time using the Planner will help users to

    • Flag what there is to know about students: their history, capabilities, needs, circumstances, progress observations…
    • Manage operational data relating to supporting students: actions & arrangements
    • Provide ready access to data about students
    • Facilitate communication between stakeholders


  3. The process underpinning use of the Support Planner is solution focused, action learning.


  4. The Planner is only a tool

    "Technology doesn't do anything...people do!!" (Papert)


  5. The Planner is best understood as a communication system


  6. Each part is a compromise, eg, ease of use, volume of detail


  7. Use of the Planner requires sound school governance

    Governance assists with judgement of cost, value and risk

    • Enter least data for most value
    • Flag sensitive content, eg, "Difficult family situation, see AP"


  8. 5% data + 95% human interaction: conversations and coaching 
  9. Two kinds of data
    • Information about the student including observations
    • Commitments to support actions (including arrangements)


  10. Four Levels of increasing detail
    1. Global ongoing contextual data - very brief, often coded, unlikely to change much from day to day
      • name, history, date of birth
      • enrolment (year, class)
      • needs and performance ratings
      • alerts
    2. Summaries of events and activities - brief comment type statements together with codes (useful for analysis of patterns) including
      • observations: concerns, incidents, achievements, progress
      • support actions and responses (resolutions)

      Note: these records often act as an index and are linked to more detailed documents stored in Student Files outside the Planner

    3. Outlines of events & activities - paragraph type statements
      • usually incorporated into the student's running record linked from a related record within the Planner
    4. Complete and comprehensive stand-alone documents - linked from within the Planner, but stored outside it
      • plans (eg, IEPs)
      • reports
      • letters
      • ...


  11. Data is useful for
    • Compiling formative assessment (gathering and organising observations)
    • Establishing needs (from patterns)
    • Planning and managing support actions (at least three kinds - see below0
    • Monitoring: knowing 
      • what's working and what is not
      • what's being done and what is not
    • Working with others and making it easier for them to understand and do well
    • Demonstrating accountability -  competence  and care
    • ...


  12. Behaviour is an indicator of a student's need for support (albeit, often an 'urgent need')


  13. Combine two approaches to support
    • Start with:        "What works for this student?"
    • Add:                "What is needed for this student?"


  14. There are several levels of response to students needs
    • The best response is the one that matches to the needs of the student (and others) in
    • Reponses include consideration of the present context, and also the  past and future


  15. Three measure of progress (in 'order of appearance')
    • Time between incidents/concerns is increasing
    • Recovery time is getting shorter
    • Concerns are lessening


  16. Codes make
    • data entry and analysis easier
    • and patterns more visible


  17. Planner Conventions
    • Permissions are generally set at the folder level
    • Dates are always entered as 12/3 (for this year)  or 12/3/09 (for other years)
    • Dialogue boxes- simply press OK to get <All> ...


  18. Bookmark the site index of the Support Planner website

History: 10 years in development; used in almost 50 Tasmanian schools & clusters


            MAIN MENU

1. For professional use only


See also the Disclaimer

2. Hyperlinks

  • Emails to the whole discussion group or to Ivan
  • The website has a wealth of information

3. Main views of student data

  • Support a Student: incidents, concerns, achievements, queries, support actions...
  • Review Class: selects students in a particular class, eg, 8B
  • Review ISPs: selects only those students with individual support plans

Note: each view provides access to all the student's data

4. Other task pathways from the Main Menu



Quick Checks

  • Update Support
  • Update Observations
  • Manage Student Ratings
  • Support Matrix - workload on main support staff



  • Add/place Students
  • Edit Codes
  • Edit Classes
  • Management Tasks
  • Class Lists


Managing documents

  • Templates
  • Student Files


            STUDENT DATA (Observations view)

5. Student details (basic)

Note: this student has an Individual Support Plan (ISPlan box is ticked) but is not being monitored on a daily basis (Monitor box is not ticked)

6. Navigation


  • Use these buttons to move from one student to another

7. Student History

A very succinct overview of the student and his/her context

Note: reverse order ensures that the latest history is at the top of the record

8. Alert re student

9. Student Performance/Needs ratings

10. The current Goal for student

This goal is the current short term goal for this particular student - the next achievable step

11. Tabs (for accessing groups of data about the student)


  • Observations 30 days
  • Observations - All
  • Support Actions
  • IS Plan
  • Agreements
  • Timetable (exceptions)
  • Contacts/Programs

12. Observations (several types) re student


  • Incidents are events that occur at a place and time - C:2 means "in the Classroom in period 2"
  • Reports are information from various parties: difficulties, improvements, feedback...
  • Queries are questions/possibilities raised by various parties

Includes Resolutions (responses) and possible related hyperlinked References (documentation)

13.Support actions (three main types)


  • One-off interventions eg, GO Assessments
  • Extended interventions, eg, SW support to family, or special programs
  • Everyday support -  see Individual support plan (below)

14. Individual Support Plan (ISP)

Everyday support initiatives relating directly to the achievement of the goal, in this case


Goal: At school, on time ready for work


This data is used to generate a weekly checklist to

  • prompt attention to the plan
  • receive feedback (what's working what is not)
  • monitor progress by building a daily record on a weekly basis W=33A44

15. Student Reports

For easy printouts of particular sets of data relating to the student being viewed


Parent Info provides a report that includes the student's an ISP. It is intended for the student's family (sample) and includes

  • The school's current goal for the student
  • What has been happening lately (recent observations)
  • Everyday things being done to support the student (ISP)

And also

  • collates most data about the student into a single report
  • intended for forwarding to the student's next school


15. Additional  Reports

There are a large number of additional reports available from the Reports page (click button on the Main Menu 'page')



© Ivan Webb Pty Ltd 2001 onwards