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Expanding the use of the Planner
Most schools focus on problematic behaviour, at least initially. But as they
become more experienced attention expands to include students with other special
needs. One of the last groups to be included are the High Ability or Gifted
students. This works because
- schools
for gifted students
might be helpful
to reduce possible misunderstandings and oversights
apply (see below)
there are
support actions....
to be gathered, considered, designed, implemented...
many of these students will
benefit from a
support plan
and so on
How and why
Helene Boyer at West Launceston Primary describes how and why the
school uses the Planner to support these students:
The Planner is a SUPPORT
Planner, not just a Behaviour Management Planner/Record
It is frequently the case
that highly able students have higher levels of anxiety and are harder on
themselves because of either their very high expectations of their own
performance or because they feel ‘out of step’ with same age peers as a result
of their exceptional intellect. For example, one of our young boys find group
work very difficult because he thinks that they may not produce the correct
answer or the best work and he feels much more comfortable if he only has his
own ideas/answers to manage. One of his PBS goals is linked to supporting him
to relax and enjoy group work and the less predetermined outcomes that may
Similarly, these children
often need specific Positive Thinking training or counselling with Support
Staff around their self esteem, management of peer relationships or management
of feelings (its tough being a child with an IQ of 140+ who is aged 6 and
hasn’t yet developed the stamina, physical skills or social skills to do what
your mind says you can).
We use the Planner to
schedule the planning and reviews each term of an “IEP” for these students
which documents the class teacher’s planning for extension work, e.g. pairing
with older students working on a specific learning challenge, Ad Astra etc, or
the support interventions – very important info for the next year’s teacher
Some of these students have
co-morbidity issues, e.g. high functioning Aspergers and ‘splinter’
talents/skills and so we are planning around the whole child across the
week/the term.
An example from the
school's 2006 experience: 'Jane'
"We had a breakthrough with/for 'Jane' earlier in the
year when we reviewed the planner records around her related to her classroom
disruptions, peer conflicts and her frequent anger tantrums (up to an hour in
length with full on screaming and attempted destruction of her environment)
We engaged in some dialogue around possible triggers or causes plus what we
knew about Jane's skills and from classrooms observations.
We subsequently referred Jane for an academic assessment with the GO with the
suspicion that she might be of gifted ability and this was proven
At the same time we had arranged 1:1 Anger Management counselling with a
resource teacher who also worked with Jane's mum around issues at home.
Her classroom program was modified to enable further extension in her learning
program and her teacher also watches for ‘triggers’ or a build up in
frustration/anxiety that might result in a tantrum so that she can act
proactively with Jane to help her remember her strategies to avoid getting too
The number of negative incidents/tantrums recorded have decreased markedly and
she is having lots of success and smiling so much more. Jane's Planner record
graphically documents the success of a wrap-around approach to supporting all
aspects of this student’s educational program."
Worth considering in your school? Almost certainly. Thanks Helene
There could be just
one adjustment that might be useful: instead of the 1 to 4 rating
scale as currently used in many schools it might make sense to move to
a five point scale:
Meets all
expectations very well
Meets expectations
Some concerns
Serious concerns
If schools are
interested to make this change we could adjust your current data in
the roll-overs.
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