There are alternatives
As the Tasmanian Department of Education moves towards incorporating student
support functionality into StIMS it will consider a range of software packages
that may have something to offer. As such packages become known they will be described
and linked from this site.
1. School Wide Information System (SWIS™)
is a web-based software system for collecting and summarizing office
discipline referrals in schools (direct quote from the SWIS
website). It processes and reports on behaviour incidents by type time and location.
It is a tool for the school's Behaviour Management Team to track incidents,
that is, it is incident driven. Monitoring is largely limited to ongoing
incident tracking.
Advantages of
SWIS™ (functionality not found in the Planner at this stage) are
- it provides web-based access to the data and reports
- its produces graphs of incident
types by place and time.
Note: monitoring behaviour using
SWIS™ is very similar to using
Time and Place in the
SWIS™ doesn't do
On the other hand
SWIS™ lacks any direct capacity to manage some important information including
SWIS™ is heavily
hard wired (most options are pre-set) which makes data entry easy and
consistent but also limited. It is very behaviour/discipline oriented.
While giving a good account of 'problem behaviour' it makes
only modest contributions to inschool conversations and the capacity of
participants to manage their own activity. Its make limited (and often
negative) contributions to
conversations between key stakeholders (staff students & families); the
development of action plans; nor to school accountability.
Cost is typically a modest $US200 per year per school.
2. Peacekeeper
is an
Australian product with functionality and limitations similar to SWIS but
operates on the school network (like the current version of the Planner) rather
than being web-based. It claims to be the only application of its kind.
One interesting feature (not found in the Planner at this stage) is its
capacity to automatically email alerts to the Principal when a student has been
involved in certain number of incidents. Schools can establish their own codes
and categories.
Cost $A2500.
3. StIMS - Student Information Management System (DoE)
StIMS is
the replacement for SACS and is currently under development by the DoE -
for more DoE information click
here. It is intended for implementation
across all Tasmanian schools and colleges in
Term 3 2007.
is probably too expensive for most schools
SWIS™ is a very
useful, well-priced simple system for tracking problem behaviour. It can be implemented
across the system right now (it is web-based and hosted online by the developers)
The Planner has far greater functionality than
SWIS™ or
because it enables schools to
- know what is happening
- work with others to improve what is happening, and to,
- make it easier for the next person to do well
When fully developed
StIMS is
likely to include the current proven functionality of the
Planner and more! Learning from the Planner continues. At
this early stage there is some uncertainty about the timeline by which this will
be achieved. Click here for more on
StIMS and the Planner