Deming's 14 Imperatives represent Deming's unequivocal positions on a range of factors that will
impact on
- the effectiveness of the enterprise (eg School)
- and people's abilities to be successful contributors
- people's well-being
1. Maintain a constancy of purpose
- be clear about what you want to achieve
and are working towards
- build understanding of the purposes
- demonstrate the capacity of the School to achieve those purposes
- underpin action with sound well-articulated principles
- acquire or develop tools, models that make it easy for everyone to
contribute to the achievement of the purposes
- ensure that all benefit from the purposes
2. Commit to the new philosophy
- learn to articulate the philosophy, theory, values, assumptions ...
that underpin one's intentions
- demonstrate a personal commitment to the things you ask of others
- demonstrate a commitment to those of whom one asks
3. Cease dependence on mass inspection
- work to ensure that the processes
are effective
- provide tools, sampling methods,
- make assessment/appraisal collaborative and intrinsic
4. Stop doing business on the basis of cheapest;
- reduce cost by reducing variation
- calculate the total cost not just the initial cost
- understand the total operation and the costs & benefits of each
part of the system
5. Improve systems continuously & forever
- make the system explicit
- eliminate the unnecessary
- invest in prevention of failure
- identify and specify processes & apply PDSA
- identify constraints & apply the theory of constraints
- concede no ultimate upper limit
6. Provide training to acquire skills
- make tasks expectations explicit and achieveable
- invest in the people, their capabilities and well-being
- know what people need more of (or less of) in order to do their work
easier and well
7. Provide leadership: move everyone from
- roles to relationships
- rules to principles
- directives to dialogue
- control to agreement
- policy to understanding
- bossing to leadership
8. Drive out fear
- assign major responsibility to the system (eg, 'The School is
responsible for the education of the student')
- clarify that staff act on behalf of the system
- demonstrate system support for staff
- build teams (to support each other and ensure mutual success)
- move from policy and control to reality and collaboration
- have fun and do well
9. Break down the barriers to cooperation
- make information freely available
- build teams
- focus on improvement before change
- make purposes explicit and methods known
- support informed responsible initiatives
- risk failure responsibly
10. Eliminate slogans, exhortations and arbitrary targets
- focus on the
intrinsic importance of what is being done
- encourage independent goal setting
- encourage independent self evaluation
11. Eliminate numerical quotas for the workforce (staff & students
- focus on improvement not end points
- measure performance and make improvements
12. Remove barriers to pride in work
- know about people's endeavours and achievements
- acknowledge achievements
- encourage people to know about each other's endeavours and
13. Promote education and personal growth for everyone
- ensure that people have opportunities for personal
- complement training with education
- encourage people to have rich lives with major interests outside the
14. Act to achieve the transformation
- do all the above and
- learn what to change,
- learn what to change
to, and
- learn how to achieve the change
- act on your learning