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 School Improvement:  Deming
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Deming's 14 Imperatives
These represent strong positions on a range of factors that will impact on people's abilities to be successful contributors.

  1. Maintain a constancy of purpose
  2. Commit to the new philosophy 
  3. Cease dependence on mass inspection 
  4. Stop doing business on the basis of cheapest; reduce cost by reducing variation calculate the total cost not just the initial cost)
  5. Improve systems continuously & forever (there is no upper limit)
  6. Provide training to acquire skills (invest in the people)
  7. Provide leadership 
  8. Drive out fear (move from policy and control to reality and collaboration)
  9. Break down the barriers to cooperation (build teams)
  10. Eliminate slogans, exhortations and arbitrary targets (focus on the intrinsic importance of what is being done)
  11. Eliminate numerical quotas for the workforce (staff & students)
  12. Remove barriers to pride in work (know about people's endeavours and achievements)
  13. Promote education and personal growth for everyone
  14. Act to achieve the transformation (know what to change, what to change to, and how to achieve the change) 

Seven Deadly Diseases (Deming)

  1. Lack of constancy of purpose
  2. Emphasis on short term achievements
  3. Evaluation of performance, merit ratings or annual review
  4. Mobility of staff, job hopping
  5. Management only by known data with little consideration of the unknown or unknowable
  6. Excessive medical costs
  7. Excessive legal costs

Obstacles (Deming)

  1. Hope for instant pudding (there are no simple solutions)
  2. The belief that solving problems & using gadgets will cause the required transformation 
  3. Searching for examples (no theory) - copying will not work
  4. Obsolescence in senior staff development
  5. Poor or inappropriate use of statistics
  6. Use of predefined standards for acceptance