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Governance is about making arrangements that ensure a well run school for all, and this means that:
The overall aim is to provide high (education) quality at lower continual costs to society (Deming).
Because the participants in a school are also participants in the community and society it is easy for costs and benefits to be transferred between schools, their communities and society in general.
It would be naive to attempt to reduce the cost of education by reducing expenditure on schools: the costs are simply transferred elsewhere and to later times. As the sign on one Principal's door said: "If you think education is expensive then consider the cost of ignorance."
Similarly it is also naive to believe that spending more on schools will enhance the quality of the education provided. In reality it is rarely a matter of resources, consider the following...
There are many dimensions of good governance including
A well run school exhibits the following characteristics
All of these enhance the outcomes (success and well-being) for all concerned both now and in the future.