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Everyone's job is to make your school a better school:
It is also a matter of CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT :
If you have good comprehensive answers to these questions read no further. Go and teach others how to do the same.
And if you want better answers? A school is a system and the best results are achieved through systematic (continuous) improvement sustained by good governance. That is, a school should be improved in a well-considered, well-informed and thoughtful way. And improvements achieved need to be captured and sustained by the operation of the school itself.
It is not enough to work on the basis of good ideas. It is important to consider which 'good idea' will achieve the greatest improvement at the least cost (see more) Some good ideas are too costly to be pursued:
There are alternatives that will achieve a similar result at less cost (time, effort, attention, disruption...).
This site explains how a school can be systematically improved so that the school's systems
Every school is rich in opportunities for improvement. Each school has
Each of these elements represents many opportunities for improvement. The integration of these aspects represents additional opportunities for continuous sustained improvement. |