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 School Improvement:  Productivity
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Productivity - basic propositions


Productivity is about what we produce and its quality.

  • In general conversation, productivity concerns aspects of
    • efficiency and
    • effectiveness
  • Improving productivity means doing more and doing it better.
  • Organisations exist to support the productivity of the people who work in them.




Productivity involves the use of resources (limited and subject to competing demands)

  • Time
  • Effort
  • Attention
  • Facilities
  • Tools
  • Texts
  • ...


Additional costs of productivity


In addition to the financial and opportunity cost of the resources, the total cost of productivity also includes the cost of

  • Stress

  • Prevention of failure

  • Inspection

  • Rework

  • Failure

  • Waste


Improved productivity


Improved productivity

  • improved efficiency
    • doing more and/or
    • using less resources
    • less waste
    • less rework
  • improved effectiveness
    • better products/services
    • more sustainable products/services


Improving productivity


This requires attention to several interacting factors

  1. Establish sound governance to
    1. make it easier for people to achieve success and well-being
  2. Establish a productivity culture
  3. Have a single productive 'job description' for everyone
    1. Know what's happening
    2. Work with others to improve what is happening
    3. Make it easier for the next person to do their work well
  4. Improve the product/service
    1. Only do what is/will be needed, wanted, useful, and in the future
    2. Reduce rework
  5. Improve the processes used
    1. Easier first!! More reliable, releases resources, reduces waste and rework...
    2. Better tools, rules, division of effort
    3. Improve collaboration
    4. Improved the quality of the product/service
    5. Use less resources (easier, reduce waste: fewer errors, less rework...)
    6. Require less supervision & inspection
    7. Less waste
    8. Less rework
  6. Undertake the work in a timely manner
  7. Minimise change  for those who have to do the work
  8. Maximise improvement for those who receive the product/service
  9. Consider the key success factors