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| | Professor Reuven Feuerstein has identified numerous ways in which people's processing of information can be
inadequate, see below.
To a greater or lesser extent we all exhibit these dysfunctions
from time to time.
INPUT - Acquiring Information
- Blurred and sweeping perception
- Unplanned, impulsive, and unsystematic exploratory behaviour.
- Lack of, or impaired receptive verbal tools that affect discrimination, (eg., objects, events, and relationships are not appropriately labelled).
- Lack of, or impaired spatial orientation and lack of stable system of reference by which to establish topological and Euclidean organisation of space.
- Lack of (or impaired) temporal (time) concepts.
- Lack of (or impaired) conservation or constancy.
- Lack of (or a deficient) need for precision and accuracy in data gathering.
- Lack of capacity for considering two or more sources of information at once. This is reflected in dealing with data in a piecemeal fashion rather than as a unit of facts that are organised.
- Inadequacy in the perception of the existence of a problem and its definition.
- Inability to select relevant as opposed to irrelevant cues in defining a problem.
- Lack of spontaneous comparative behaviour or the limitation of its application by an inhibited need system.
- Narrowness of the mental field.
- EPISODIC GRASP OF REALITY leading to little or no
transference of learning
- Lack of need for the establishment of relationships.
- Lack of need for and/or exercise of summative behaviour.
- Lack of, or impaired need for pursuing logical evidence.
- Lack of, or impaired ability to use inferential or hypothetical (if) thinking.
- Lack of, or impaired ability to use planning behaviour.
- Non-elaboration of certain categories because the verbal concepts are not part of the individual verbal inventory on a receptive level, or because they are not mobilised at the expressive level.
OUTPUT - Communicating and Acting on
- Ego-centric communication ('reality is what I think and
- Blocking
- Trial and error responses
- Lack of, or impaired verbal or other tools for adequately communicating elaborated responses.
- Lack of, or impaired need for precision and accuracy in the communication of one's responses.
- Deficiency of visual transport.
- Impulsive, random, unplanned behaviour.
Building on the work of Feuerstein, Katherine
Greenberg has developed a framework for teachers (and leaders) to help
learners with thinking & learning
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