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Using the Planner to help ensure everyone’s success
Help ensure that current key information will be available to next year's
Note: It would be great to do this as a collaborative effort between Teacher and
a partner (e.g., senior staff person).
Suggested teacher tasks (if applicable)... will depend on the student and
Use the Review Class button on the main page and enter class name (these
can be printed from the Edit Class form - button on the right hand side of main
1. ISP: tick this box if the student has, or
needs, an individual support plan of any kind (IEP, mobility plan,....)
2. Monitor: tick the box if the student
needs to be monitored on a daily basis
3. History: Add a little history
4. Ratings: check needs ratings -
edit if necessary.
Nb. Think more in terms of Needs rather than performance... our least well
performing students easily need 4X as much support as our most able students
5. Need: add in (or update) any identified
need - see the Needs list on
the Planner website, or use the
School’s own list.
6. Alert: add in any alert - court orders, serious medical conditions,
constraints in relation to contacting family,...
7. Goal: update the current or next important
goal to be achieved to
help ensure the success and well-being of the student
8. Support Actions: check that key support
actions that may be required are entered, e.g., GO or Speech
9. Everyday Support: for the highest needs students (probably with an existing IEP or
similar) summarise the everyday things being done, or to be done, to support the
student using the IS Plan tab on the student's form.
10. Observations: add in a positive observation in What’s Happening
This will be an excellent start to bringing your Planner up to date. It will
also be helpful in having teachers reflect on their students' achievements and
needs prior to undertaking end of year reporting. Data entry can be more than a
clerical activity - at its best it will promote the construction, sharing and
communication of knowledge.
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