
   Support Planner:  Supporting Joshua



The scenario - summary

You are newly appointed to the school and have a senior position
There has been a significant incident …bringing Joshua to your attention 
As the responsible staff member at this time you need to resolve situation !!

  • But what is appropriate? 
  • And how will you know?

What happened?

On 26 May Joshua was involved in a serious conflict with his teacher in third lesson when Joshua was asked to explain his late arrival.  Joshua used offensive language and acted in a threatening fashion over several minutes. His actions caused the teacher to be concerned for her/his safety and totally disrupted the lesson.

Containment & resolution

The matter was dealt with by the AP and the resolution involved the protocols associated with being 'red carded' (including a letter to Joshua's mother) as well as time out for three lunch hours

Recording the incident

The AP recorded the incident. The AP chose Manage Concerns (Incidents) from the Main Menu and found Joshua’s record (by surname) and then made the following record using the School's standard codes and some ‘clever coding’ in description of the incident.


Related conversations

During discussions about the incident the Class Adviser expressed concern about Joshua’s arrival time & general energy. The Year Coordinator was also concern about Joshua's attendance & demeanor and the AP was aware of several late arrivals and had 'dealt with' a number of recent situations in which Joshua had been surly and uncooperative. 

How to support

Together they decided to ask Social worker to do home visit with an initial focus on getting Joshua to school on time. Their concerns were recorded together with the possible resolution through the home visit.


Initiating the action

The proposed support action was also entered by the AP (note the CA knew about the proposal but the Social Worker was away ill and had not been part of the decision making at this stage.

Discovering the action

After returning to work the proposed action was ‘discovered’ by the Social Worker next time in school by going from to Support Planner Main Menu to the Reports. The Social Worker then clicked Support Provider – to do, entered ‘SW’ and clicked OK to preview the list of tasks that involved 'SW'. The proposed support for Joshua appeared on the report:

Learning about Joshua 

Having been prompted by thus item the Social Worker checked Joshua's record and found some useful information:

Support Action

The Social Worker then checked out the situation by a phone call to the Class Adviser (on holidays locally) and then

  • Met with Mum (and Joshua): everyone is keen to ensure Joshua's success although Joshua is missing his dad and is not confident about his chances of success in school
  • Recorded useful notes (in Joshua’s RRecord): Mum works nights at a local aged care facility and is generally asleep when Joshua has to get himself ready for school. 
  • Made some recommendations re Joshua's inclusion in the school's Breakfast Program
  • Negotiated new support goal for Joshua

The Beginning

And this is the beginning of a future with more potential for Joshua's success and well-being.


As shown the above can be managed by using the Support Planner