
   Support Planner:  Behaviour Management


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Behaviour Management
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The database and behaviour management

The Support Planner database has been developed to support the success of teachers and students working together. The basis of its development includes the following notions about behaviour and its 'management':

About behaviour


  • is a significant aspect of all aspects of the life and work of the School and the people involved
  • is interactive - always involves others (otherwise we wouldn't know about it)
  • involves a series of action-response exchanges
  • includes internal action-response experiences
  • is purposeful - it is intended to meet needs
  • is meaningful - to at least one party
  • is better understood as interactions rather than simply actions
  • always involves
    • experiences
    • thoughts
    • choice of response (reaction to experiences shaped by thoughts)
    • impacts
    • responses by other involved
    • more than one person
    • relationships
    • contextual factors
  • inappropriate behaviour is better understood as an indication of need for support:
  • inappropriate behaviour is an inappropriate attempt to meet a need
    • example: aggression a response to fear, anxiety and/or uncertainty

More than contingencies

Behaviour management is much more than the contingency arrangements that may be in place to respond to unacceptable incidents. Bottom lines and effective contingency arrangements are essential but not sufficient.

An overall management strategy is required !!

A sound strategy is required to improve the quality of everyone's behaviour.  The better strategies include many of the following:

  • understand behaviour as interactive - it always involves others (otherwise we wouldn't know about it)
  • build connectivity to change behaviour - people who are genuinely and positively connected behave better
  • don't withdraw support (a common social response when there is a problem) - support helps maintain connectivity
  • developing into a learning community - involve everyone - remember quality is everyone's responsibility
  • learning from the on-going day to day experiences of everyone,
  • dealing with the unacceptable promptly
  • using the Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle to continuously improve behaviour
  • identifying the opportunities to move everyone towards better behaviour
  • adopting  'easier first' as the core of your strategy, ie, starting out to make it easier for everyone to behave well...
  • consider the following possibilities

School Rules

Consider the following: there may only be three necessary rules

  • No harm to self, others or property (care)
  • No disruption to work or play (consideration)
  • No offense to others (courtesy)

So , what is your job, my job, in fact everyone's job?

Very simply, whoever we are, our job is:

  • To do our work well, and,
  • To make it easier for the next person to do their work really well

In short, we are here to learn how to be better at our work, to contribute to making the school a better place for all. This means we have to:

  • Know what is happening,
  • Work with others to improve what is happening, 
  • Make it easier for the next person to do well


Wise use of the database may contribute to all of the above. Consider the relationships between the following data categories and information.



© Ivan Webb Pty Ltd 2001 onwards